Sunday, June 22, 2014

Prayer Update

Hello, friends and family! This is Ellie, Sam's sister, posting on Sam's behalf.
Sam has been working in an orphanage in Haiti with about 110 orphans. As mentioned in a previous post, his role is to travel between the orphanage and the city to collect correct documentation for the children. He currently leads a weekly Bible study for the older boys. He's gone out on two medical trips to help with interpreting and medical procedures (he is certified in phlebotomy--drawing blood). Upon reflection, he decided not to purchase a motorcycle: he was advised that it was too dangerous. However, transportation is important, so he will save a little of his allowance each month to eventually purchase a car/truck/vehicle of some sort. Thank you to all who contributed to his fundraising before he left for Haiti--Sam appreciates all the donations.
Image from
Recently Sam FaceTimed Mom and asked about everyone, how they were doing, and expressed his love. In a Facebook Messenger conversation, Sam told me misses everyone as well as the American life. Please pray for increased strength and sense of purpose for Sam as living in Haiti has quite a contrasts to the comforts of the American life. Pray for strong friendships to keep him encouraged in the faith!
Thank you for reading, caring, and praying for Sam!

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